Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 9AM


Our classes are as follows:


  • Nursery-- age birth to two years
  • Preschool-- age three through kindergarten
  • Elementary-- ages first through fifth grade


Children’s Church

Every Sunday Morning from ~9am unless preempted by Special Events or Special Services (i.e. Easter Sunrise Service)


Interested in Serving

  2 Timothy 3:15: "And that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ."


 WaterStone Fellowship Children’s Ministry exists to love and lead children from birth through fifth grade into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to lead children to the knowledge of Jesus and challenge them to follow Him, trust Him, and become more like Him while providing a safe and exciting environment.

Each Sunday in the WaterStone Fellowship Kids area, children (babies - 5th grade) receive warm and attentive care from our trained teachers who use age and developmentally appropriate activities, such as, music, art, dramatic play, games, and stories, to teach Gospel-centered truths about Jesus and how much he loves them.

Children, from first grade through fifth grade, will begin in Bible study at 9:00am and then move to the worship area with their teachers to sit with their parents from 10:00-10:30am. After the worship time of music and the Lord’s Supper, these children will move back to the children’s area escorted by our teachers and remain until their parents pick them up at the end of the adult worship service. Preschool children remain in the children’s preschool area the entire time from Bible study through the adult worship time. Gross motor activities, games, and activities are planned for these children to move about in the children’s area.






Where do I take my kids on Sunday?


On Sunday morning, you and your children will be greeted at the reception area of the Community Center. A greeter will take you and your children to either the Preschool/Nursery area (Ages birth through kindergarten) or the Children's Bible Studies (Ages first grade through fifth grade).  Upon your arrival, you will fill out a short form to help us with your child's name, special needs, who may pick up your child at the end of the services, and any food allergies.


What are your safety policies?


Before you leave your child, you will be given a special number that will identify you with your child.  All children are supervised with a minimum of two adults, and your child will never leave the room without this supervision.  Careful investigation has led us to cleaning products that are child safe to keep all the areas clean.


All children's ministry leaders have been background checked. We do this on an annual basis for the new year of service.


Who receives snacks in WSF Kids?


If snacks are offered, our Children's Ministry workers will inform parents. Please let them know of any food allergies your children may have.  You may bring a labeled snack for your toddler and preschooler.


What do you teach in WSF Kids?


The curriculum of the children's ministry at WaterStone Fellowship is the Gospel Project (LifeWay Product). It is biblically based and every lesson, whether in the Old or New Testament, points to Jesus Christ as Savior.


What about health concerns? (Do you have any policy if my kids have been sick?)


We ask that if your child has been sick for less than 24 hours, then please have your child stay with you at home or in the worship area. We want to protect our children and volunteers from sickness. We also have a 24-hour fever free policy.